Thursday, October 30, 2008

Special Worship Opportunities in November

From Pastor Katherine:
Thanks be to God! These words are the words that conclude nearly every worship service at St. Peter’s. These words are ready on your lips after you are encouraged to “Go in peace and serve the Lord.” There are a few of you that say those words with a lot of gusto. Hopefully you don’t speak those words so emphatically because you’re relieved that church is over! I hope your experience at worship made you extra-thankful for everything God has done for you, and that’s why those words come pouring out of your mouth: “Thanks be to God!”
In this month of Thanksgiving, there are plenty of opportunities for you to give God thanks through your worship and praise. We hope you will join us. Here are the highlights:

Thankoffering Sunday is Sunday, November 9th.
This service is a tradition at St. Peter’s, led by the Women of the ELCA group. Thankoffering is an offering given as an expression of thanks. Among early Christians, when a bountiful harvest was completed or a son returned home safely from war, they would gather in worship to thank God for these great blessings and collect offerings for the particular blessings received. Early in the 1900’s, small Thankoffering boxes were given to women, who placed them in a special location in their home to be a visible reminder of blessings received. Coins were added to these boxes almost daily as a particular blessing was noted. The women of the congregation would come together once a year to make a public collection of their Thankofferings.
There are moments in each day when we should be thankful to God. It can be something as significant as a child’s first step, recovery from illness, or landing a new job. It can be something as ordinary as seeing your child off to school complete with lunch and homework, making it home safely after rush hour on the expressway, or listening to birds while walking through your back yard. When any of these significant or ordinary moments happen, we can say thank you to God.
Lutheran women have a tradition of combining their prayers of thanks with offering gifts. That’s why we have those Thankoffering boxes. When that moment happens and we are thankful, we place an offering into the box as a further expression of our thanks. Thankoffering boxes are still available in the back of the church if you would like to start this tradition at home. These boxes will be collected during the November 9th service.

A Community Thanksgiving Feast
Hosted by the Delphos Ministerial Association, will be held on Sunday, November 23rd from 4-6 PM at the Delphos Eagles (1600 E 5th Street). This is a chance to get together with Christians from the other churches in Delphos and celebrate God’s gifts together. In addition to good food, there will be a time for worship. The meat and stuffing will be provided, but you are invited to carry in a side dish or dessert.

Giving-Thanks Meal: Wednesday, November 26th at 7 PM
Did you know that the word Eucharist means “Thanksgiving?” Before you celebrate your family’s Thanksgiving meal, join us at the church on Thanksgiving Eve to celebrate the Eucharist with your church family. We will gather in the Parish Hall for prayer, scripture, and a “family style” Lord’s Supper which will be shared around a large table. Children who do not normally receive the sacrament will be given a special treat so they may a part of this celebration of sharing, forgiveness, and remembrance. The service will be brief and is meant to give you some “breathing space” – a time to relax and reflect on the greatest gifts of God in the midst of an otherwise hectic time. A special offering of food items will be taken to benefit the Interfaith Food Pantry. Donation suggestions are given later in this newsletter.

Guitar-led Worship on Sunday, November 30th
Our organist will be out of town, so we are putting our congregation's guitarists to use. If you play guitar and would like to join in, please talk to Pastor Katherine and she will put you in touch with the right people!

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